A circular economy hub in the Olympic Park

WorkWild developed a meanwhile use strategy for UCL's land in the Olympic Park and created a delivery partnership uniting academics with a local community development trust and the SHiFT inclusive innovation district. In partnership with Distruptive Urbanism, WorkWild led the presentation of the Business Case, financial modellling and the creation of a project team to prepare planning applications. We supported the client and partners to secure £650k of grant funding and integrate an inclusive, circular approach to this new workspace.
Client: UCL

Strategic support to embed ESG and Social Value

WorkWild are retained by TfL to advise on social value and ESG for their 5,700 acre portfolio. We provided strategic advice to their property and customer teams to develop their Social Value approach, pilot and test Social Value projects and develop policies and practices to mainstream social value in the organisation. We have provided guidance and advice on the sustainability strategy, rent levels, lease lengths, wrap-around support, impact metrics and potential interventions to improve their small business offer.
Client: TTLP (Transport for London)

A new global charity for culture in cities

The World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF) provides a way for policy makers in 38 major cities worldwide to share research and intelligence, and explore the vital role of culture in their future prosperity. We were commissioned to mentor and support the GLA and WCCF team to set-up a new charity to spin-out the project from the London Mayor's office to a stand alone sustainable organisation. We helped establish a board and governance, plan and guide a transition and facilitate the drafting of a business and impact plan.
Client: Greater London Authority

An open-source tool for public sector property teams

Our director Sara Turnbull provided oversight and steering of executive team in their development of TfL’s Sustainable Development Framework which underpinned TfL’s GRESB 5 Star rating and overall score of 93 out a maximum of 100 - solidifying their position as a leader in sustainable design and construction for residential and mixed use development projects. Sara reviewed and redrafted the social value metrics and guidance to be used across all their new developments.
Client: TfL

A workspace strategy for when the way we work is in flux

Reviewing & investigating current workspace offer and workspace needs in Barking Town Centre. Establishing future demand, support options and potential pilot projects. Introducing new workspace providers to forge partnerships to deliver the council’s vision.
Client: BeFirst & London Borough of Barking & Dagenham

Growth for micro-businesses based in social housing

Commissioned to develop a training course for micro-businesses base in Peabody’s estates in Thamesmead. Supporting and empowering businesses to complete registration and plan their growth to get the best value from local regeneration projects.
Client: Peabody

Workspace Providers Group

Founded the group and established a work programme and objectives to help shape and steer policy and practices in affordable workspace. Established evidence base and informed informed the London Plan, the establishment of grant funding support totalling £90m to secure affordable, community-owned workspaces, business rates training through the Growth Hub and a pilot accreditation scheme for the sector.
Client: Mayor of London

Portfolio level sustainability

Commissioned to provide senior level coaching and guidance to leaders at TfL working on sustainable development, affordable workspace and social value. Provided guidance and advice on rent levels, lease lengths, wrap-around support, social impact metrics and potential interventions to improve their small business offer.
Client: Transport for London

Informing workspace strategy through research and consultation

WorkWild led a workshop to bring together Workspace Providers in the OPDC area to gauge needs, painpoints and support areas for local workspace community. We also engaged with local estate agents to give insight into the real estate landscape in the area, focusing on business rates, themes and costings.
Client: 00 Architecture

Longterm strategy & partnership for Seven Sisters market

We supported TfL to design and deliver a partnership advisory committee to advise and guide them as they create a social value asset that serves the people that live and work in the area. In partnership with Daisy Froud we designed and delivered engagement with the market traders to understand their concerns and enable them to shape TfL's approach to governance and the long-term strategy for the Market. As a result, work has begun on a the temporary replacement indoor and outdoor market space which will house around 40 traders next to the existing market, along with a community space.
Client: TTLP (Transport for London)

A strategy and pipeline for creative workspace

With regular collaborators PRD and Augarde & Partners we co-created a strategy to secure a pipeline of affordable creative workspace for Creative Estuary, as part of the Thames Estuary Production Corridor initiative. Extensive engagement with towns, local authorities and creative industries practitioners in South Essex and North Kent led to the creation of tools to assess and address the individual challenges of different areas, as well as proposals for a fit for purpose vehicle to grow capacity in the public, private and third sectors across the Thames Estuary, and to secure long-term delivery of affordable creative workspace.
Client: Creative Estuary

A new charity to protect creative space in Thanet

The Margate Town Deal was awarded up to £22.2m of which £6.9m was allocated to establish a Creative Land Trust. WorkWild and our partners at PRD led the founding and set-up of the Creative Land Trust. We established the land trust as a charity, recruited a board of trustees and engaged an Interim Director to deliver a plan and vision that was established by us in consultation with Thanet District Council, key local curltural leaders and the incoming board members. The team appraised underused assets throughout Margate to understand the market opportunities available.
Client: Thanet District Council

Making best use of existing and future workspace assets

Negotiated tenant exit from the Crystal Building and increased windfall to the public sector by £9m. This work shaped and underpinned the recently announced move of City Hall to the Royal Docks.
Client: Royal Docks Development Corporation

Local Business Engagement

Working in partnership with PRD and Soundings to guide Hackney Borough Council on economic planning for the Hoxton area. Our work involved structured interviews with business owners to understand their support needs and what barriers there are to growth.
Client: London Borough of Hackney

Supporting systems and strategy for growth

Developed and hired executive team and put in place workspace systems for managing team and tenants. Supported the growth vision by introducing sites and partners and securing a £3m investment into the estate. Co-created a pipeline of potential partners and new sites for this workspace provider.
Client: Sustainable Workspaces

Community, Environment & Business Funds

Provided independent Panel member to board overseeing the distribution of £40m funds for the environment, local community and businesses. Reviewed the grantmaking process and large grant applications to ensure transparency and fairness of the process with focus on delivering impact in all areas HS2 affects..Advised Secretary of State on the allocation of over £4m worth of grant funding for local businesses and community-led projects along the route.
Client: High Speed 2

Workspace Providers Group

Founded the group and established a work programme and objectives to help shape and steer policy and practices in affordable workspace. Established evidence base and informed informed the London Plan, the establishment of grant funding support totalling £90m to secure affordable, community-owned workspaces, business rates training through the Growth Hub and a pilot accreditation scheme for the sector.
Client: Mayor of London

A new inclusive community swimming location

We engaged users and local stakeholders and conducted research to test the market, identify community need and concerns and shape the approach to activating the lake. We supported the Peabody team to secure permissions and a swimmming provider who can create local employment, swim safety and inclusive access to the lake. Delivered in partnership with Studio Octopi and Real Urbanism.
Client: Peabody

An economic strategy for London's biggest masterplan

WorkWild supported a team led by Prior & Partners and Arup to develop a masterplan for the 100 hectare site at Thamesmead Waterfront. WorkWild led the economic strategy and the key principles we established through our own research and engagement with the local business community underpinned the design team's vision and pillars. We worked with local busineiness leaders to develop ideas for a donut economy and and to set-out how the project can connect with and grow local enterprise.
Client: Peabody & Lendlease

Capacity Building for Local Authorities

WorkWild, working in collaboration with Augarde & Partners, are designing and delivering a Knowledge Exchange programme for senior managers from the Thames Estuary's levelling up for culture priority areas: Medway, Swale, Gravesham, Thurrock, Castle Point, and Basildon. The series of workshops will cover asset transfer, repurposing council buildings for culture and aim to drive partnerships across the Estuary, making opportunities and investment more accessble.
Client: Creative Estuary

Holistic sustainability thinking for a new Economic Strategy

Commissioned in partnership with Hatch Regeneris, Prior and Partners and 3 Space to delivery new town centre and economic strategy. Led workshops to identify sustainability priorities and ambitions using donut economics as a base for approach.
Client: Oxford City Council

Identifying land-use principles to increase impact on the estate

Led mapping and consultation work that created a set of maps of the Trust’s land and analysis of how it is currently used. Worked with users, the local community, board and exec team to explore and co-create new land-use principles for the Trust.
Client: Westway Trust

Portfolio level sustainability

Commissioned to provide senior level coaching and guidance to leaders at TfL working on sustainable development, affordable workspace and social value. Provided guidance and advice on rent levels, lease lengths, wrap-around support, social impact metrics and potential interventions to improve their small business offer.
Client: Transport for London

Creative Workspace Resilience Fund

Conceived of, pitched for and secured £1.5m grant fund from Mayor of London & Bloomberg. Devised processes and provided support and advice to the Chief Executive. Chaired the award panel meetings and managed high-level relationships with senior stakeholders. Provided follow-on mentorship to workspace providers in need of support to secure space, income and develop survival and growth plans.
Client: Greater London Authority & Creative Land Trust

The Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm

Co-designed the recruitment and selection process working alongside the internal officers and HR teams. Aim was to attract a highly diverse and skilled panel of 15 members. Led the longlisting and shortlisting process on behalf of the client. Provided knowledge and understanding of diversity, board governance and skills.
Client: Greater London Authority

Supporting systems and strategy for growth

Developed and hired executive team and put in place workspace systems for managing team and tenants. Supported the growth vision by introducing sites and partners and securing a £3m investment into the estate. Co-created a pipeline of potential partners and new sites for this workspace provider.
Client: Sustainable Workspaces

Combining lived experience, community insights and research

All our advice and consultancy draws heavily on our senior team’s lived experience running significant community assets. We add to this with regular research and visits to international examples of best practice and close collaboration with your team, stakeholders and the local community. This approach brings you responsive, recommendations that work in the real world.

Bootstrap Company - Space for Social and Creative organisations in Dalston with culture and events programme and training for young entrepreneursSara Turnbull was Chief Executive 2011-2017
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Sara led a turnaround in one of the country’s pioneering workspaces to create a sustainable model that is replicated by other providers. Created outreach and cultural programmes, inspired and rewarded micro businesses for community work to increase impact.
Westway Trust - 23 Acre portfolio with lettings and support programme to support local community and charitiesAlex Russell from the WorkWild team is a former Chief Executive
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Led one of the largest community development trusts in the country with over 23 acres of land and 130 occupiers, delivering inclusive growth and driving social value
Ugli Campus - space for growing creative businesses in White City in reclaimed buildingsJeannette Pearce from the WorkWild team co-founded and led the campus
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Gave 120,000 sqft of ex-BBC estate a new lease of life as a creative campus for teenage businesses. Hosted over 50 organisations and created an engaged community contributing to the regeneration of White City.
Poplar - Placemaking strategy, investment and action in London's fastest growing areaWorkWild team member Paul Augarde led placemaking strategy from 2010 until 2020
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Set up a team that has regenerated part of the lower Lea Valley into a socially conscious fashion and manufacturing hub, in partnership with London College of Fashion & the GLA