Community swimming programme launched
Bringing new swimming and leisure space to life for Thamesmead community

We were hired by Peabody to create a new inclusive community swimming location at Birchmere Lake in Thamesmead. We engaged users and local stakeholders and conducted research to test the market, identify community need and concerns and shape the approach to activating the lake. We supported the Peabody team to secure permissions and a swimmming provider who can create local employment, swim safety and inclusive access to the lake. Delivered in partnership with Studio Octopi and Real Urbanism.
Commitment to embedding Social Value
TfL takes steps to embed Social Value into strategic sustainability plans

We were hired by TfL to provide strategic support to embed ESG and Social Value across their new entity TTLP which operates their 5,700 acre portfolio. We provided strategic advice to their property and customer teams to develop their Social Value approach, pilot and test Social Value projects and develop policies and practices to mainstream social value in the organisation. We have provided guidance and advice on the sustainability strategy, rent levels, lease lengths, wrap-around support, impact metrics and potential interventions to improve their small business offer.
Securing the future of Margate's creative communities
Margate Creative Land Trust established to secure affordable creative workspace for Margate's creative community.

Thanet District Council hired WorkWild and our partners PRD to create a new charity to protect creative space in Thanet. The Margate Town Deal was awarded up to £22.2m of which £6.9m was allocated to establish a Creative Land Trust. WorkWild and our associate Alex Russell ed the founding and set-up of the Creative Land Trust. We established the land trust as a charity, recruited a board of trustees and engaged an Interim Director to deliver a plan and vision that was established by us in consultation with Thanet District Council, key local curltural leaders and the incoming board members. The team appraised underused assets throughout Margate to understand the market opportunities available.
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WorkWild unlocks assets and places for community impact

WorkWild delivers lasting social value for our clients and communities by:

Our team has lived experience and significant expertise in placemaking, workspace and enterprise development. We have:

Who We Are

Sara Turnbull

A chartered environmentalist and social entrepreneur that leads and shapes organisations committed to sustainability. Her award winning consultancy work spans architecture, engineering, workspace, events, and community development and is recognised for practical solutions and innovative, caring approach.

Jess Horwill

Community Organiser

Jess is a creative organiser and number cruncher and everything in between that’s needed to coordinate the WorkWild team. When she’s not working wild Jess leads a female entrepreneurs training programme for Kings College London and works with Body Positive advocates or performs burlesque.

Alyssa Ordu

Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist

A psychologist and gender specialist who has worked in the tech, diversity & inclusion, research and charity sectors. Alyssa has a knack for building communities and services that are good for people and the planet. Born in Washington D.C. to Welsh and Nigerian parents, Alyssa grew up in the Philippines, Tunisia, the States and the UK.

Our Clients

Making An Impact

WorkWild is a social enterprise consultancy that delivers lasting social value by choosing to work with exceptional clients on projects that make lasting change in communities. We are members of Social Enterprise UK Living Wage accredited and donate 3% of our turnover to high impact charities.
Gordon SeabrightCreative Land Trust CEO
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"Sara led the team that created the Creative Land Trust, taking the concept and turning it into reality, with funding secured, organisational infrastructure in place, Trustees and launch staff recruited, and highly effective ongoing operations. She has amazing energy and imagination, impressive attention to detail, an awesome network and a profound commitment to culture and communities. And her company, WorkWild, has a track record of delivery to match the excellence of her creativity. And she's fun to work with!"
Charli BristowHackney Wick Creative Enterprise Zone Manager
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"Sara is a pleasure to work with - insightful and hugely knowledgeable in the areas of sustainability, placemaking, asset management and community development. She is astute and tactful, able to ask the difficult questions constructively. We have worked collaboratively on a complex governance project for local economic development throughout the CV19 pandemic. The project is focused on the creative economy, at a time when the creative sector is reeling from the pandemic’s disproportionate impact. Her innovative approach and ability to flex with dynamic circumstances are invaluable assets. I recommend Sara highly."
James LeayMake Shift CEO
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"WorkWild understand the potential for impact that can be created through provision of workspace and place based projects. [They have] a more flexible approach that some other consultancies we've worked with, and a willingness to challenge our thinking."