WorkWild Thu, 15 Jul 2021 11:35:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WorkWild 32 32 Making a Creative Land Trust for Margate Thu, 15 Jul 2021 11:35:51 +0000 We are working with Thanet District Council to set-up a brand new trust to secure assets for the creative sector.

The Margate Town Deal was awarded up to £22.2m as part of the Chancellor’s Budget announcement on Wednesday 3 March 2021. The funding will deliver the aspirations of Margate’s Town Investment Plan and help Margate prepare for the future with a focus on creating jobs, supporting town centres, boosting businesses and connecting people to where they live and work either through infrastructure or digital.

As part of the Town Deal there will be a £9m investment in Margate’s creative production and skills which includes establishing a Creative Land Trust to support projects for creative production and education. WorkWild and our partners at PRD will be leading the set-up of the Creative Land Trust.

Space to work in the Creative Estuary Thu, 15 Jul 2021 10:55:14 +0000 We are supporting the Creative Estuary team and partners to identify the best way to secure buildings for the creative sector in Essex and Kent

The Thames Estuary is backed by Government as the UK’s biggest growth opportunity. With the potential to create 1.5 million jobs and add value of up to £115bn to the nation’s economy, iti it integral to growth and recovery post-Brexit and post-Covid. Creative Estuary is part of the Government endorsed Thames Estuary Production Corridor (TEPC) project, initiated by the South East Creative Economy Network and Greater London Authority.

Creative Estuary is a consortium of public sector and cultural organisations, working together to transform 60 miles of the Thames Estuary across Essex and Kent into one of the most exciting cultural hubs in the world. By using culture as the catalyst for growth, the Thames Estuary will provide much-needed space for expanding creative businesses and provide the scale of services, skills and infrastructure sought by both UK organisations and international creative producers.

To give cultural industries room to grow, to innovate and to breathe across the Thames Estuary Creative Estuary are keen to provide the right physical spaces for creative communities and cultural partners. Our work to assess options to create support structures for bringing workspace into long-term use by the creative sector will form part of their work to address this need.

The Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:42:28 +0000 Co-designed the recruitment and selection process working alongside the internal officers and HR teams. Aim was to attract a highly diverse and skilled panel of 15 members. Led the longlisting and shortlisting process on behalf of the client. Provided knowledge and understanding of diversity, board governance and skills. 

Client: Greater London Authority

Community, Environment & Business Funds Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:42:27 +0000 Provided independent Panel member to board overseeing the distribution of £40m funds for the environment, local community and businesses. Reviewed the grantmaking process and large grant applications to ensure transparency and fairness of the process with focus on delivering impact in all areas HS2 affects..Advised Secretary of State on the allocation of over £4m worth of grant funding for local businesses and community-led projects along the route.

Client: High Speed 2

Creative Workspace Resilience Fund Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:42:27 +0000 Conceived of, pitched for and secured £1.5m grant fund from Mayor of London & Bloomberg. Devised processes and provided support and advice to the Chief Executive.

Chaired the award panel meetings and managed high-level relationships with senior stakeholders. Provided follow-on mentorship to workspace providers in need of support to secure space, income and develop survival and growth plans.

Client: Greater London Authority & Creative Land Trust

Portfolio level sustainability Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:22:17 +0000 Commissioned to provide senior level coaching and guidance to leaders at TfL working on sustainable development, affordable workspace and social value. Provided guidance and advice on rent levels, lease lengths, wrap-around support, social impact metrics and potential interventions to improve their small business offer. 

Client: Transport for London

Supporting systems and strategy for growth Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:22:15 +0000 Developed and hired executive team and put in place workspace systems for managing team and tenants. Supported the growth vision by introducing sites and partners and securing a £3m investment into the estate. Co-created a pipeline of potential partners and new sites for this workspace provider.

Client: Sustainable Workspaces

Workspace Providers Group Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:22:12 +0000 Founded the group and established a work programme and objectives to help shape and steer policy and practices in affordable workspace. Established evidence base and informed informed the London Plan, the establishment of grant funding support totalling £90m to secure affordable, community-owned workspaces, business rates training through the Growth Hub and a pilot accreditation scheme for the sector.

Client: Mayor of London

Establishing a new charity for a scalable social enterprise Fri, 09 Apr 2021 15:44:50 +0000 We developed the governance and funding arrangements for a sister Charity for Make Shift Ltd and then secured initial trustees and provided guidance and training as well as supporting new exec to put in place agendas and processes for robust board meetings. 

Client: Make Shift

Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust Fri, 09 Apr 2021 15:44:46 +0000 Brought in by local authorities to support with governance and business and impact planning. Introduced of an Independent Executive Chair to agree changes to improve governance: open recruitment for additional board members to increase skills and diversity, conversion from LTD company to a CIC and drafting of a business plan. 

Client: London Legacy Corporation, Hackney & Tower Hamlets
